Disease Control

Systematic fungicide used to cure and prevent lawn disease.


Anytime you grow a bunch of the same plants together, disease problems can take hold and begin to spread before you even notice they’re happening. This can be a real challenge for lawns, because lawns are made of hundreds of thousands of the same type of grass plants. Even when you give your lawn excellent care, the grass can still become infected with various lawn diseases that can lead to dead or discolored areas. Disease spores can float by in the air or hide in the soil, and when conditions are right, they multiply. That’s why it’s a good idea to protect your lawn with our disease control application. This will help control and prevent diseases throughout the year. Two applications are necessary for best results.

The Process

  • Done 2 - 3 times a year as necessary for specific lawns.

  • All services will remain in effect until cancelled either verbally or in writing by the homeowner.

Call us today for a free estimate!